Advanced Microeoconomics III

FSS 2023


Final Exam: June 5th. Closed book.

Class Material

1. Akerlof’s Market for Lemons

2. Spence’s Signaling Game.

3. Competitive Screening.

4. Envelope Theorem and MCS.

5. Implementation and Revenue Maximizing Auctions.

6. Efficient Mechanisms

7. Moral Hazard (If time permits)

Problem Sets

  • You may collaborate on assignments in groups of up to three students.
  • Each group must submit a single set of answers.
  • Provide clear and concise answers to all questions.
  • Both typed and handwritten submissions are accepted.
  • If submitting a handwritten assignment, ensure your handwriting is legible.
  • The preferred submission format is a PDF sent via email to the TA, but physical submissions are also accepted.
  • Feel free to ask questions or provide comments via email (e.g. clarifying questions, reporting typos, etc.).

Problem Set 1. Due date April 24.

Problem Set 2. Due date May 1.

Problem Set 3. Due date May 8.

Problem Set 4. Due date May 15.

Problem Set 5. Due date May 29 (I fixed some typos on May 22).